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  • Writer's pictureSilly Farmer Billy

Best Microgreens Ever: Sunflower

It's like they're magic...

Almost everyone's favorite Microgreen is Sunflower.

It's my favorite. 

But why?

I have my theories, and there's basically 3 Powerful Reasons why Sunflower Microgreens are perfect!

Mildly Sweet and Nutty

Flavor is king for most people.

Sunflower Microgreens possess a flavor that is both approachable and delightful. 

They're the easiest microgreen to love, and that makes them perfect snacks for children and other family members who might not like regular vegetables.


It's been said that Sunflower Microgreens have EVERYTHING your body needs except vitamin D. My farmers market patrons joke around that all they need to do eat these little guys and sit in the sunshine, and they're probably right!

They even have B12. What?!?!?

The Real Key to Versatility... is Texture

Far and away the best texture of all the microgreens.

They're fresh and almost crunchy. 

Eat them like a bag of chips. Substitute them for pasta. Lay them on your favorite fresh sandwich. They work everywhere.

Even pair them with Pancakes!

Are you trying to tell me you don't want these?

Just in case you do, click here and we'll talk about what your personalized Microgreens CSA share could look like :) 

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